Plano FLL Qualifiers
@Williams High School
November 16th and December 14th, 2019
Welcome to the Plano FIRST LEGO League (FLL) City Shapers Qualifiers.
The Plano Qualifiers will be held on Saturday, November 16th, and on Saturday, December 14th, 2019. We are looking forward to greeting teams and enjoying a day of competition.
If you are interested in volunteering for the tournament, visit this site and select Event Volunteering.
Please familiarize yourself with the information contained on this page, and we look forward to seeing you soon.
General Event Schedule for 11/16 and 12/14
all times subject to change
Time Activity Location
7:00 am Volunteer Check-in Warrior Center Lobby
7:45 am Team Check-In Begins Warrior Center Lobby
8:00 am Judges Meeting (judges only) Judges’ Room
8:15 am Coaches Meeting Gymnasium
8:45 am Opening Ceremony Gymnasium
9:00 am Judging Begins Science Wing
9:00 am City Shaper Challenge Gymnasium
12:00 pm Lunch Warrior Center Lobby
1:00 pm Fields Re-open Gymnasium
2:30-4:00pm Judge Deliberation Judges’ Room
3:45 pm Pits Close (load-out and clean up) Cafeteria
4:00 pm Closing Ceremonies Gymnasium
(Exact time is dependent on judges’ deliberation)
4:15 pm Clean up and tear down immediately All
following awards. All help gratefully
Event Information
Handling the Robot and Laptop
Adults seen by event staff, volunteers, judges or referees programming or touching their team’s robots or programming will receive a red-level Core Values Infraction. This includes transporting the robot to and from the Competition Area or Judging Sessions
In extenuating circumstances, such as a complete robot or computer crash, coaches will be asked to get a witness unaffiliated with their team, preferably the Head Referee, Head Judge Advisor, Tournament Director, Pit Manager or at a minimum a coach from another team to witness the work being done by the coach in helping to recover the laptop or robot and not programming or building the robot
Practice Tables
Two shared practice tables will be provided in the Pit Area. Only stationary mission models will be provided on the shared practice fields. Teams are asked to bring their own loose mission models for use on the practice tables. Sign-up sheets will be provided for teams to sign-up for practice time slots. Teams will not be permitted to sign-up for back-to-back time slots and will only be able to sign-up for one 15-minute time slot at a time.
Teams will not be permitted to bring their own mats or tables due to space constraints.
Charging Stations
Multiple Charging Stations will be provided in the pits for robot and laptop charging. Cell phones may be charged in the charging stations but may be unplugged to allow teams to charge robots or laptops as needed.
No additional extension cords will be allowed to be run in the pits for safety reasons.
Bluetooth is not allowed in the Competition Area. Please turn off Bluetooth directly on the robot when entering the Competition Area. Per the Challenge Guide, Robot Game Rule R2:
R02 – CONTROLLERS You are allowed only ONE individual controller in any particular Match.
All remote control or data exchange with Robots (including Bluetooth) in the competition area is illegal.
It is highly recommended that teams refrain from using Bluetooth download in the Pit Area as well to avoid inadvertently connecting and downloading to another teams robot. Turn off Bluetooth directly on your robot if you do not need it for download at the Qualifier.
If using Bluetooth, make sure that the robot you are connected to is indeed your own robot.
Pit and Judging Area Access
Pit Passes (wristbands) will be issued to all youth team members listed on the team's official roster and two coaches per team. Pit Passes will allow access to the Pit Area and Judging Area and must be worn at all times. The Pit Area and the Judging Area is off-limits to all spectators. Only team members, coaches with pit passes and tournament personnel are allowed in the Pit Area and Judging Area. Anyone caught giving a wristband to a non-coach adult will receive a red-level Core Values infraction.
Judging Rooms
Per FLL rules, coaches are not allowed in the judging rooms during their teams judging sessions. Coaches are welcome to have one or more of the team members record the Judging sessions for later review.
No projectors, projector screens or computers will be provided in the Judging Rooms. Teams must provide all equipment they may need for their judging room presentations.
Scoresheets and Recording Matches
Teams are not allowed to take photos of the scoresheets at the Robot Game matches.
Teams can video their matches but referees will not watch the video or change any score. No instant replay allowed. See Robot Game Rule GP5 in the Challenge Guide for reference.
Food and Drink
Water is allowed in pits. Food is not. There is a large area lobby area available to teams.
No candy or food may be distributed by teams. Other items, such as buttons or patches may be distributed.
The facility does have public WIFI available. Please be advised that WIFI connectivity and performance is not guaranteed and should not be relied upon throughout the facility including in the Pits and Judging Areas.
Helpful Forms
Building A Roster
Plano ISD Consent Form
FIRST Consent and Release Form English
FIRST Consent and Release Form Spanish