NTX Tournament of Robots

A FIRST Robotics Competition Off-Season Event on September 29th

A FIRST Robotics All-Female Competition Off-Season Event on September 28th
Registration is due by Friday, September 20th, 2024
Two great events at one venue on one weekend!
September 28th - 29th, 2024
Dr. Gene Burton College & Career Academy
2301 S John King,
Rockwall, TX 75032
Information and Payment
The NTX Off-Season Planning Committee (including but not limited to FRC 1296, FRC 5431, and FRC 6171) is pleased to announce that the North Texas Tournament of Robots including the Annual STEM Gals Tournament will be returning for the 2024 off-season in Rockwall, Texas!
Teams are allowed to bring their own food to the competition building. We are also working on having some options available for teams.
We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to FUN for generously allowing STEM Gals and NTX to be streamed onto FUN's YouTube page!
All participants must complete the STEM Gals/NTX Consent & Release form.
Registration is now open!
The $400 registration fee covers both STEM Gals and NTX Tournament of Robots.
Payment can be submitted by check payable to
Rockwall Robotics
PO Box 59
Fate, TX 75132
- or via PayPal -
If you have any questions, please email
Danna Taylor (FRC 1296: Full Metal Jackets Mentor) at dtaylor@rockwallrobotics.com
Volunteer Form
Friday, September 27th, 2024
5:30 pm Field Set Up - Dinner Provided for Registered Volunteers
7:00 pm Load-in/Registration
10:00 pm Pits Close

Registered Teams
Teams marked with an asterisk (*) may be part of the asterisked (*) event

The Olympians Plano, Texas NTX

Tangerine Firecracker Austin, Texas STEM Gals and NTX

Irrational Joeys Oklahoma City, Oklahoma STEM Gals* and NTX

RookieTalons Prosper, Texas STEM Gals and NTX

Rebellion Prosper, Texas STEM Gals* and NTX

ITKAN Girls Plano, Texas STEM Gals and NTX
Rules Changes
STEM Gals and NTX 2024 will use the FRC 2024 CRESCENDO rules except where noted in the document.
VIEW HERE (Live page)

Hosted by

Assisted by

Community Outreach

Students from the Rockwall High School Robotics Team, Full Metal Jackets, organize cell phone donation barrels for Secure The Call, which provides free 911 cell phones for those in need, including senior citizen centers, women/domestic violence centers and police.